Monday, December 7, 2020

Due to the pandemic, I have been offering yoga online.  Please contact me if you like to join me online.  My email address is or you may call me at 404-939-4342.

Thank you for your interest,  


Monday, March 16, 2020

This week's yoga and more

Yoga with Mariam at Habersham


I am looking forward to practicing yoga with you this week.  I have attached the note I sent a few days ago in regards to Coronavirus.  

For that same reason, please avoid using the blocks and straps that I have for common use unless you disinfect them before and after each use.   Please bring wipes with you since I don't have any and can't find any.  

Here is a reminder of our yoga sessions:

Tuesday, March 17 at 10:30AM at Habersham; meditation after yoga


Wednesday, March 18 at 6PM at Habersham


Thursday, March 19 at 11:30AM at Habersham


Saturday, March 21 at 9:30AM at Habersham


Sunday,March 22 at 5PM at Habersham


Lunch Club


March Lunch Date is cancelled for health reasons.

Reminders and notes


I have attached the March calendar for your review and reference.  



Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 25 from 2 to 4PM for an Art Show at our studio.  Please spread the word.




Please label any item you leave in the yoga room with your name.


Please make sure your cell phone is completely silent.  


Thank you for participating in our Magazine Swap.


Food for Thought

"Panic causes tunnel vision. Calm acceptance of danger allows us to more easily assess the situation and see the options."

Simon Sinek





My contact information;; 404-939-4342

3569 Habersham at Northlake (3569 Northlake Center Dr.), Tucker, GA 30084; Bldg. K, ground floor 




Monday, March 9, 2020

This week's yoga and more

Yoga with Mariam at Habersham


I am looking forward to practicing yoga with you this week.

Here is a reminder of our yoga sessions:

Tuesday, March 10 at 10:30AM at Habersham; meditation after yoga


Wednesday, March 11 at 6PM at Habersham


Thursday, March 12 at 11:30AM at Habersham


Saturday, March 14 at 9:30AM at Habersham


Sunday,March 15 at 5PM at Habersham


Lunch Club


March Lunch Date will be on Th., March 19.

Reminders and notes


I have attached the March calendar for your review and reference.  



Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 25 from 2 to 4PM for an Art Show at our studio.  Please spread the word. 




Please label any item you leave in the yoga room with your name.


Please make sure your cell phone is completely silent.  


Thank you for participating in our Magazine Swap.


Food for Thought

"I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers."

Khalil Gibran




My contact information;; 404-939-4342

3569 Habersham at Northlake (3569 Northlake Center Dr.), Tucker, GA 30084; Bldg. K, ground floor 




Monday, February 24, 2020

This week's yoga and more

Yoga with Mariam at Habersham


I am looking forward to practicing yoga with you this week.

Here is a reminder of our yoga sessions:

Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 10:30AM at Habersham; meditation after yoga


Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 6PM at Habersham


Thursday, Feb. 27 at 11:30AM at Habersham


Saturday, Feb. 29 at 9:30AM at Habersham (Nina)


No yoga on Sunday,March 1 through Thursday, March 5


See you on Saturday, March 7 for our 9:30AM session.

Lunch Club


March Lunch Date will be on Th., March 19.  















Reminders and notes


I have attached the February and March calendars for your review and reference.  Please note that we won't meet from March 1 through March 5.



I will offer Chair/Mat yoga at Embry Hills Library on Tuesdays at 2PM.  Tomorrow, Feb. 25 is the last session. It is free and open to the public.  Please call the library to register.


Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 25 from 2 to 4PM for an Art Show at our studio. 

Please spread the word.





Please label any item you leave in the yoga room with your name.


Please make sure your cell phone is completely silent.  


Thank you for participating in our Magazine Swap.


Food for Thought

"In a Gentle Way, You Can Shake the World."

Mahatma Gandhi




My contact information;; 404-939-4342

3569 Habersham at Northlake (3569 Northlake Center Dr.), Tucker, GA 30084; Bldg. K, ground floor



Monday, February 17, 2020

This week's yoga and more

Yoga with Mariam at Habersham

Hello,  Happy February, the Valentine's Month.

I am looking forward to practicing yoga with you this week.

Here is a reminder of our yoga sessions:

Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 10:30AM at Habersham; meditation after yoga


Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 6PM at Habersham


Thursday, Feb. 20 at 11:30AM at Habersham; lunch after yoga


Saturday, Feb. 22 at 9:30AM at Habersham


Sunday, Feb. 23 at 5PM at Habersham


Lunch Club


February Lunch will be on Th., Feb. 20.  We will dine at Dish at 5000 Buford Hwy NE, Chamblee, GA 30341.

Reminders and notes


I have attached the February and March calendars for your review and reference.  Please note that we won't meet for yoga from Sunday, March 1 through Thursday, March 5.



I will offer Chair/Mat yoga at Embry Hills Library on Tuesdays at 2PM.  The future dates are Feb. 18, 25. It is free and open to the public. Please call the library to register.


Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 25 from 2 to 4PM for an Art Show at our studio.  Please spread the word.



Please label any item you leave in the yoga room with your name.


Please make sure your cell phone is completely silent.  


Thank you for participating in our Magazine Swap.


Food for Thought


"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." 





My contact information;; 404-939-4342

3569 Habersham at Northlake (3569 Northlake Center Dr.), Tucker, GA 30084; Bldg. K, ground floor

Monday, February 10, 2020

This week's yoga and more

Yoga with Mariam at Habersham

Hello,  Happy February, the Valentine's Month. I hope you celebrate love with hugs and kisses all month long

I am looking forward to practicing yoga with you this week.

Here is a reminder of our yoga sessions:

Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 10:30AM at Habersham; meditation after yoga


Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 6PM at Habersham


Thursday, Feb. 13 at 11:30AM at Habersham


Saturday, Feb. 15 at 9:30AM at Habersham


Sunday, Feb. 16 at 5PM at Habersham


Lunch Club


February Lunch will be on Th., Feb. 20.  We will dine at Dish at 5000 Buford Hwy NE, Chamblee, GA 30341.

Reminders and notes


I have attached the February and March calendars for your review and reference.  Please note that I will be away during the first week of March and will be back on time for our Saturday, March 7 practice at 9:30AM.



I will offer Chair/Mat yoga at Embry Hills Library on Tuesdays at 2PM.  The future dates are Feb. 11, 18, 25. It is free and open to the public.  Please call the library to register.


Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 25 from 2 to 4PM for an Art Show at our studio. 

Please spread the word. 



Please label any item you leave in the yoga room with your name.


Please make sure your cell phone is completely silent.  


Thank you for participating in our Magazine Swap.


Food for Thought


"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." Morrie Schwartz


My contact information;; 404-939-4342

3569 Habersham at Northlake (3569 Northlake Center Dr.), Tucker, GA 30084; Bldg. K, ground floor 




Monday, February 3, 2020

This week's yoga and more

Yoga with Mariam at Habersham

Hello,  Happy February, the Valentine's Month.

I am looking forward to practicing yoga with you this week.

Here is a reminder of our yoga sessions:

Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 10:30AM at Habersham; meditation after yoga


Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 6PM at Habersham


Thursday, Feb. 6 at 11:30AM at Habersham


Saturday, Feb. 8 at 9:30AM at Habersham


Sunday, Feb. 9 at 5PM at Habersham


Lunch Club


February Lunch will be on Th., Feb. 20.

Reminders and notes


I have attached the February calendar for your review and reference.  Please note that we will have 5 Saturdays in February. Please attend all 5 sessions.  I will use the extra days as make up days when I travel.


I will offer Chair/Mat yoga at Embry Hills Library on Tuesdays at 2PM.  The future dates are Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25. It is free and open to the public.  Please call the library to register.


Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 25 for an Art Show at our studio.  Please spread the word. 



Please label any item you leave in the yoga room with your name.


Please make sure your cell phone is completely silent.  


Thank you for participating in our Magazine Swap.


Food for Thought

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." 

John Quincy Adams


My contact information;; 404-939-4342

3569 Habersham at Northlake (3569 Northlake Center Dr.), Tucker, GA 30084; Bldg. K, ground floor 




Monday, January 27, 2020

This week's yoga and more

Yoga with Mariam at Habersham

Hello,  I am looking forward to practicing yoga with you this week.

Here is a reminder of our yoga sessions:

Tuesday, Jan. 28 at 10:30AM at Habersham; meditation after yoga


Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 6PM at Habersham


Thursday, Jan. 30 at 11:30AM at Habersham


Saturday, Feb. 1 at 9:30AM at Habersham


Sunday, Feb. 2 at 5PM at Habersham


Lunch Club


February Lunch will be on Th., Feb. 20.

Reminders and Notes


I have attached the January and February calendars for your review and reference.  Please note that we will have 5 Wednesdays and 5 Thursdays in January. And we will have 5 Saturdays in February. 

 Please attend all 5 sessions.  I will use the extra days as make up days when I travel.


I will offer Chair/Mat yoga at Embry Hills Library on Tuesdays at 2PM.  The future dates are Jan. 28 and Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25. It is free and open to the public.  Please call the library to register.


Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 25 for an Art Show at our studio.  Please spread the word.



Please label any item you leave in the yoga room with your name.


Please make sure your cell phone is completely silent.  


Thank you for participating in our Magazine Swap.


Food for Thought

"Take a walk through the garden of forgiveness and pick a flower of forgiveness for everything you have ever done. When you get to that time that is now, make a full and total forgiveness of your entire life and smile at the bouquet in your hands because it truly is beautiful."


 Stephen Richards, Forgiveness and Love Conquers All: Healing the Emotional Self


My contact information;; 404-939-4342

3569 Habersham at Northlake (3569 Northlake Center Dr.), Tucker, GA 30084; Bldg. K, ground floor 


