Monday, June 25, 2018

This week's yoga and more


Here is this week's schedule:

Tuesday, June 25 at 10:30AM at Habersham

Wednesday, June 26 at 6PM at Habersham

Thursday, June 27 at 11:30AM at habersham

 No Yoga on Saturday, June 30

 No Yoga on Sunday, July 1

            Yoga TidBits

This week's question: What are differences among different kinds of yoga?

As I mentioned last week, the original yoga concentrated on breathing only.  After the development of Hatha yoga to incorporate movement to breathing, the following styles were developed under the umbrella of Hatha yoga:

Ashtanga is an intense flowing practice with additional focus on breathing and focusing eyes on one specific part of body.

Kundalini focuses on regular practice  of meditation, breathing, chanting mantras and yoga poses to awaken the spiritual potential of humans.

Iyengar's emphasis is on detail, precision and alignment in poses and breath control.  Due to the focus on correcting the poses, Iyengar is less of a flowing practice.

Bikram consists of 90 minutes of same series of 26 poses including two breathing exercises in a heated room of 95 to 108 F with a humidity of 40%.

Viniyoga is a one on one practice of yoga in which the teacher creates a personalized practice for the student based on the student's health, age and physical condition including past or current injuries and illnesses.

Vinyasa is a sequential movement that interlinks poses for a continuous flow which creates a movement meditation.

Lunch Club Date

Next lunch:  Thursday, July 19

Please send me your suggestions.

Reminders and notes

Is there something you like to know about yoga? Send me your questions or thoughts.

I would be happy to offer meditation on any day we meet for yoga when we have at least 5 persons committed.  Please let me know if you are interested.

I have attached June and July's calendars for your reference and review.  

Please note that we won't meet on Saturday, June 30 and Sunday, July 1, Tuesday, July 3, Wednesday, July 4 and Thursday, July 5.

Make up day for Thursday, July 5 is on Saturday, July 7 at 11:30AM

I will offer 5 more Chair/Mat sessions on Tuesdays:  June 26, July 10, July 24, July 31 and Aug. 7 from 1 to 2PM at Embry Hills Library: 3733 Chamblee Tucker Road, Chamblee, GA 30341.  Please call 770-270-8230 to register.

Please label any item you leave in the yoga room with your name to avoid any confusion.  

Thank you for participating in our Magazine Swap.  At the end of each month, I donate the magazines to Northlake Library.

Food for Thought

"Yoga is possible for anybody who really wants it. Yoga is universal.... But don't approach yoga with a business mind looking for worldly gain. "

K. Pattabhi Jois

My contact information;; 404-939-4342

3569 Habersham at Northlake (3569 Northlake Center Dr.), Tucker, GA 30084; Bldg. K, first floor 

