Monday, August 6, 2018

This week's yoga and more


Here is this week's schedule:

Tuesday, Aug. 7 at 10:30AM at Habersham

Wednesday, Aug. 8 at 6PM at Habersham

Thursday, Aug. 9 at 11:30AM at Habersham

  Saturday, Aug. 11 at 9:30AM at Habersham

 Sunday, Aug. 12 at 5PM at Habersham

            Yoga TidBits

True yoga isn't just a workout. It is an ancient Indian philosophy espousing an eight-limbed approach to conscious living:

1- Yama refers to ethical standards.  There are 5 Yamas:

Ahimsa: nonviolence

Satya: truthfulness

Asteya: non-stealing

Brahmacharya: non-excess

Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, non-greed.

Next week, I will have a short explanation of the second of the eight limbs.

Lunch Club Date

Next lunch:  Thursday, Aug. 16

Any suggestions?

Reminders and notes

I will offer meditation on any day we meet for yoga when we have at least 5 persons committed.  Please let me know if you are interested.

I have attached  August's calendar for your reference and review.  

I will offer 1 more Chair/Mat sessions on this Tuesday:  Aug. 7 from 1 to 2PM at Embry Hills Library: 3733 Chamblee Tucker Road, Chamblee, GA 30341.  Please call 770-270-8230 to register.

Please label any item you leave in the yoga room with your name to avoid any confusion.  

Thank you for participating in our Magazine Swap.

Food for Thought

"Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy."


My contact information;; 404-939-4342

3569 Habersham at Northlake (3569 Northlake Center Dr.), Tucker, GA 30084; Bldg. K, first floor 

